How Spark Solar Shows Up For Our Community

In the heart of Cleburne, TX, Spark Solar isn’t just a leading solar company in DFW; we’re a beacon of community support and involvement. Renowned as one of the premier solar panel companies, we extend our expertise beyond installations, and we shine through with active engagement in industry associations and local events.

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Spark Solar owners speak at community event

A Commitment to Quality and Community

As a prominent commercial solar company, Spark Solar takes pride in its affiliations with esteemed organizations like the North Texas Roofing Contractors Association (NTRCA), Roofing Contractors Association of Texas (RCAT), and Central Texas Roofing Contractors Association (CTRCA). These partnerships are a testament to our commitment to excellence and community development.


Spark Solar owners speak at training event

Energizing Education and Training

Education is the cornerstone of progress. Spark Solar, a leading solar company in DFW, champions this belief by offering continued education opportunities. Our involvement ranges from sponsoring enriching lunch and learns to providing in-depth company trainings. By investing in the growth of our team and associates, Spark Solar ensures that our solar installers are not just technicians, but seasoned experts equipped with the latest industry knowledge.


Spark Solar owners at a community award gala

Lighting Up Large Events

We know the power of connection and celebration. As a dedicated commercial solar company, we’re proud sponsors of significant community events and galas. These sponsorships go beyond brand visibility; they reflect our deep-rooted commitment to fostering community bonds and supporting local initiatives.

At Spark Solar, we believe in a future where every home and business in DFW harnesses the power of solar energy. As one of the top solar panel companies, our mission extends beyond providing solar solutions for businesses. We’re here to build a sustainable, empowered community — one solar panel, one training session, and one event at a time. Join Spark Solar, the solar company Dallas/Fort Worth residents trust, in crafting a brighter, greener future.

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Spark Solar: Leading Solar Detach & Reset Services in West Texas

Spark Solar: Leading Solar Detach & Reset Services in West Texas

Spark Solar, a trusted name in solar services, proudly expands its reach to Midland, Odessa, and Big Spring, TX. With a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, we are your #1 choice for professional solar detach and reset services.

Our Return to West Texas

Once rooted in Midland, Texas, Spark Solar installed the first solar systems in the area. In 2020, we temporarily left the region for various reasons. Now, we’re back, and not just as an installation company but as collaborators with roofing contractors for superior detach and reset services.

Collaboration for Enhanced Service

Our partnerships with local roofing contractors empower us to combine their expertise with ours. This ensures the highest quality services for homeowners and businesses in West Texas. By optimizing solar systems, we enable our customers to maximize performance and ensure long-term efficiency.

Driving Force: West Texas’ Solar Potential

West Texas, with its abundant sunshine and vast open spaces, presents immense potential for solar energy. Spark Solar’s return signifies a dedication to the community and a commitment to fostering partnerships with local businesses. Collaborating with roofing contractors not only enriches our service offerings but also contributes to the local economy.

Seamless Integration for Homeowners and Businesses

By aligning with local contractors in Midland, Odessa, and Big Spring, Spark Solar guarantees efficient and reliable detach and reset services. This seamless integration of solar systems with roofing projects streamlines processes for our customers, making the experience hassle-free.

Our Commitment to Excellence

As we expand our service locations, our commitment to providing top-of-the-line services remains unwavering. Spark Solar, in collaboration with local roofing contractors, aims to exceed customer expectations in Midland, Odessa, and Big Spring.

Spark Solar’s Vision

With our expansion, Spark Solar aims to maintain its position as the #1 Solar Detach and Reset provider for roofers and homeowners alike. Collaborating with local roofing contractors, we look forward to building strong partnerships and contributing to the growth of the community.

Optimize Your Solar System Today

Navigating Hail Damage: Replacing Broken Solar Panels

Severe weather, especially hail, can be a significant challenge for solar panel owners. Understanding how to handle and replace hail-damaged solar panels is crucial for maintaining your energy efficiency and investment. In this guide, Spark Solar, your trusted provider of solar services in Dallas-Fort Worth, offers insights on effectively managing this challenge.


Assessing the Damage

Post-hail storm, it’s important to assess any damage to your solar panels. While they are built to endure environmental stressors, intense hail can cause cracks or shatter the glass, significantly reducing their efficiency.


Safety First

When inspecting your solar panels for hail damage, prioritize safety. Avoid climbing onto the roof if you’re not experienced. Instead, use binoculars from a safe vantage point or consider employing a professional service like Spark Solar for a thorough evaluation.


Insurance and Warranties

Before proceeding with replacements, check your homeowner’s insurance policy and solar panel warranties. Many insurance policies cover hail damage, and warranties might offer some recourse. Spark Solar can assist in navigating these claims, ensuring you understand your coverage and options.


Expert Replacement Services

Choosing the right professionals for replacement is vital. At Spark Solar, we offer expert replacement services for hail-damaged solar panels. Our team evaluates the damage, provides a transparent estimate, and performs the replacement with minimal disruption to your daily life.


Upgrading Your Solar Solution

Replacing damaged panels can also be an opportunity to upgrade. Technology advancements mean newer panels are often more efficient and durable. Our specialists at Spark Solar can guide you in selecting the best options that align with your energy needs and budget.


Preventive Measures for Future

Investing in protective measures, like solar panel covers or enhanced mounting solutions, can mitigate future hail damage. Spark Solar can advise on the best preventive strategies to safeguard your investment.

Hail damage to solar panels needn’t be a setback. With the right approach and expert assistance from Spark Solar, you can quickly restore and even improve your solar energy system. Contact us today for comprehensive support in handling hail-damaged solar panels.


How To Prepare Your Solar Panels for Winter in Texas

As winter approaches, it’s important to make sure that your solar panels are ready to perform optimally in the colder months. In today’s blog, the team at Spark Solar will discuss four key steps to help you prepare your solar panels for winter in Texas, maximizing your energy production and ensuring a seamless transition into the colder season.

man cleaning solar panels

Clean and Inspect Your Solar Panels

Before winter arrives, it’s crucial to clean and inspect your solar panels thoroughly. Clearing debris, dust, and dirt from the surface will allow for better sunlight absorption and maximize energy generation. Use a soft cloth or sponge with mild soapy water to gently clean your panels. Avoid using abrasive materials or high-pressure washers, as they can damage the panels.

While cleaning, also inspect your panels for any signs of damage or loose connections. Look for cracks, scratches, or any wear and tear that may require professional attention. If you notice any of these issues, we recommend scheduling a detach and reset service with Spark Solar, where we will remove, repair, and reinstall your solar panels to ensure your panels operate at their peak throughout the season.

man trimming trees

Monitor and Trim Surrounding Trees

Texas winters may bring strong winds or ice storms that can cause tree limbs to fall or move dangerously close to your solar panels. Before winter sets in, trim any branches or trees that may pose a threat to your solar panel system. By keeping the area around your panels clear, you minimize the risk of damage from falling limbs during winter storms.

Furthermore, regularly monitor the growth of trees surrounding your panels. If they have started to shade your solar panels, consider pruning or trimming them to maintain optimum sunlight exposure. Remember, unobstructed sunlight is necessary for your panels to produce maximum energy.

man inspecting solar panels

Check for Proper Insulation and Sealing

Winter in Texas can be unpredictable, with temperature fluctuations and occasional freezing conditions. To ensure your solar panels and their mounting system are protected, check for proper insulation and sealing. Insulation prevents heat loss and keeps your panels performing efficiently.

Inspect the sealants and joints of your solar panel system for any signs of wear or damage. Damaged seals can allow moisture to seep in, leading to potential issues like freezing or corrosion. Fortunately, Spark Solar provides comprehensive solar panel services throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth area, ensuring your system remains protected and weather resistant. 

frosted solar panel

Prepare for Snow or Frost

Although snowfall is infrequent in Texas, it’s essential to prepare for the possibility of snow or frost during the winter months. If you anticipate snow, make sure your solar panels are tilted at an angle that allows snow to slide off naturally. This tilt angle facilitates the shedding of snow, allowing your panels to continue generating electricity effectively.

Additionally, if your panels do become covered in snow or frost, avoid attempting to remove it by force. Instead, let nature take its course and allow the snow or frost to melt naturally. Trying to remove snow or frost with sharp objects or excessive force can damage the panels’ surface.

Get Your Solar System Winter-Ready!

By following these simple steps, you can ensure your solar panels are well-prepared to face the winter season in Texas. And remember, in case of significant damage or concerns, it’s always best to consult with a professional solar panel service provider like Spark Solar to address any issues promptly and avoid potential complications. Prepare your solar panels now, and enjoy a winter filled with renewable energy and savings!

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Electric Vehicle Chargers: Why You Need Your Own

Electric Vehicle Charger: Why You Need Your Own

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular as people seek sustainable transportation options. With electric vehicle sales on the rise, the need to charge your EVs is also on the rise. Installing home electric vehicle chargers are the answer to this need. Here are 5 reasons you need a charger installed in your home.

1. Convenience and Accessibility

One of the most significant advantages of having a home electric vehicle charger is the convenience it offers. Instead of relying solely on public charging stations, you have the flexibility to charge your EV right at home. Imagine coming home after a long day, plugging in your vehicle, and waking up to a fully charged battery. It’s that simple and hassle-free.

2. Cost Savings

Home charging can be more cost-effective than using public charging stations. Most home chargers are connected to your household electricity, allowing you to take advantage of lower electricity rates, especially during off-peak hours. Over time, this can result in substantial savings on your charging costs.

3. Faster Charging

Home chargers, typically Level 2 chargers, provide faster charging speeds compared to standard household outlets. This means you can add more miles of range to your EV per hour of charging. With a Level 2 charger at home, you can significantly reduce the time it takes to charge your vehicle compared to using a standard outlet.

4. Sustainability

By charging your EV at home, you have more control over the source of your electricity. If you invest in clean energy sources like solar panels, you can power your vehicle with renewable energy, reducing your carbon footprint even further. This aligns with the overall goal of EV adoption, which is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.

5. Peace of Mind

With a home charger, you’ll never have to worry about the availability of charging stations or long queues at public charging spots. Your vehicle is always ready to go when you are. This peace of mind can be especially valuable during emergencies or unexpected trips.

Home electric vehicle chargers are an essential component of the electric vehicle ecosystem. They provide convenience, cost savings, and environmental benefits that make owning an EV even more attractive. As the world shifts towards sustainable transportation, having a home charger is not just a luxury—it’s a practical and responsible choice. So, if you’re considering making the switch to an electric vehicle, make sure to explore your options for home charging. It’s a small investment that brings significant returns in terms of convenience, savings, and sustainability.

Schedule a meeting with us at Spark Solar to discuss EVC options available to you here

JuiceBox Level 2

What To Do if Your Solar Panels Are Damaged by Hail

Hailstorms can be a common occurrence in the Lone Star State, and while solar panels are built to withstand various weather conditions, they are not entirely immune to damage. If you find your solar panels have been affected by hail, it’s essential to take prompt action to ensure their optimal performance and longevity.

At Spark Solar, we offer reliable solar panel detach and reset services in Texas to help you restore the functionality of your solar system. Read on to discover the best course of action to take if your solar panels are damaged by Mother Nature!


a broken solar panel
Assess the Damage

After a hailstorm, carefully inspect your solar panels to determine the extent of the damage. Look for obvious signs such as cracked or shattered glass, dented frames, or loose connections. It’s crucial to document any damage with photographs to support your insurance claims and provide evidence to your solar panel service provider.


a person using their cell phone
Contact Your Insurance Provider

Once you’ve assessed the damage, it’s wise to contact your insurance provider to report the hail damage to your solar panels. Most insurance policies cover solar panel damage caused by severe weather conditions such as hailstorms. Provide them with all the necessary information and evidence, including photos and quotes from reputable solar panel repair companies like Spark Solar.


two professionals assessing solar panels
Consult With a Professional

Next, reach out to a professional solar company in Texas, such as Spark Solar. Our skilled technicians have extensive experience in detaching and resetting solar panels damaged by hail. This means we can thoroughly inspect your system, assess the repair needs, and provide you with an accurate cost estimate and timeline for the repairs.


a professional drilling solar panels to a roof

Schedule the Repairs

Once you’ve consulted with the professionals, it’s crucial to schedule the necessary repairs promptly, as delaying repairs may result in further damage or decreased solar panel efficiency. Rest assured, the experts at Spark Solar will carry out the required repairs efficiently and effectively, ensuring your system is back up and running optimally in no time.

While hail damage to solar panels can be concerning, taking swift and appropriate action can help minimize the impact. Don’t let hailstorms derail your solar energy goals — take control of the situation and repair your solar panels with Spark Solar’s detach and reset services in Texas!

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The Benefits of Getting Solar Panel Detach & Reset Service When Repairing Roof Hail Damage

When it comes to roofing problems caused by hail damage, homeowners often focus only on repairing their roofs. However, what many fail to realize is that a damaged roof can have a significant impact on the functionality and efficiency of solar panels. In this blog, we will discuss the risks associated with attempting to repair a hail-damaged roof without properly detaching and resetting solar panels, and emphasize the importance of hiring a professional solar company in the Dallas Fort Worth area, such as Spark Solar, for detach and reset solar services.

Contact our team and preserve your solar panels today!

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A gold ball size piece of hail
1. Ensuring Optimal Performance:

Roof hail damage exposes your solar panels to potential misalignment, leading to decreased energy production. By engaging a reputable DFW solar company like Spark Solar for detach and reset solar services, you can ensure your panels are correctly positioned, allowing for maximum sunlight absorption and improved energy generation.

a tech fixing a cracked solar panel
2. Avoiding Additional Roof Damage:

Failed attempts to repair a hail-damaged roof without detaching and resetting solar panels can result in inadvertent and costly structural damages. Professional solar companies DFW area, like Spark Solar, possess qualified and experienced technicians who understand the intricacies of the solar panel installation process. By harnessing our expertise, you minimize the risk of compromising your roof’s integrity during repairs.

A team replacing solar panels
3. Maintaining Manufacturer’s Warranty:

Most solar panel manufacturers require panels to be detached before any roof repairs. Failing to comply with this requirement may void your warranty and leave you with the entire cost of panel replacements. By entrusting the detach and reset solar services to a reputable solar company in DFW, like Spark Solar, you can safeguard your warranty and avoid unnecessary financial burdens.

Repairing a hail-damaged roof requires more than just patching up shingles. It involves the proper detachment and resetting of solar panels to restore optimal performance and protect your investment. Don’t jeopardize your solar panel system’s efficiency and safety by attempting a DIY repair. Contact Spark Solar, the leading solar company in DFW, for detach and reset solar services. Trust our expertise to safeguard your solar panels and ensure seamless integration with your repaired roof.

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Broken solar panels? We can help with that!

“I have a broken solar panel.  What do I do?  How did this happen?”


Solar panels have been heralded as the beacon of clean and renewable energy, helping us reduce our carbon footprint and save on electricity bills. However, even the most advanced technologies are not immune to wear and tear. When your solar panels become damaged or dysfunctional, it’s crucial to address the issue quickly to maintain optimal energy production. Today we’ll look into the common causes of broken solar panels, their impact, and what steps you can take to address this setback (or even prevent it).


Common  Causes  of  Broken  Solar  Panels

Solar panels are designed to withstand various environmental conditions, but damage happens and these are some things that can contribute:

    1. Weather Extremes: Hail, heavy snow, windstorms, and even intense heat can cause physical damage to solar panels over time.
    2. Debris Impact: Falling branches, leaves, and other debris can scratch or crack the surface of solar panels, affecting their efficiency.
    3. Manufacturing Defects: While rare, manufacturing defects can lead to premature failure or malfunction of solar panels.
    4. Poor Installation: Improper installation can result in issues like water leaks, which can damage the internal components of solar panels.
    5. Age and Wear: Over time, even well-maintained solar panels may experience efficiency degradation or damage due to general wear and tear.
    6. Pests: If you didn’t have Critter Guard installed around your panels, squirrels and birds will often nest under the panels, damaging the panels and chewing on wiring.
The  Impact  of  Broken  Solar  Panels

Ignoring broken solar panels can have wide-ranging consequences:

  1. Reduced Efficiency: A single damaged panel can decrease the overall efficiency of your solar system, leading to lower energy production and potential loss of financial benefits.
  2. Increased Costs: Reduced energy output can result in higher electricity bills, as you’ll need to rely more on conventional power sources.
  3. Diminished Return on Investment: Solar panel systems are long-term investments, and failure to address broken panels can diminish the return you reap from your initial investment.
  4. Environmental Impact: Solar energy is celebrated for its eco-friendliness. However, a compromised system might push you to rely on fossil fuels, contributing to higher carbon emissions.
Addressing  Broken  Solar  Panels

When you find yourself with broken panels or diminished production, follow these steps to get your system back to 100%:

  1. Assessment: Regularly inspect your solar panels for visible damage. If you notice any cracks, discoloration, or other anomalies, it’s time to take action.
  2. Contact Spark Solar: Call Spark Solar at (817) 391-8110.  We will assess the extent of the damage and recommend appropriate solutions.
  3. Replacement or Repair: Depending on the severity of the damage, you might need to either repair or replace the broken panels. We will guide you through the best course of action.
  4. Quality Matters: Opt for high-quality replacement panels or repairs to ensure that your system continues to function optimally.
  5. Regular Maintenance: Implement a regular maintenance schedule to prevent future issues. This includes cleaning debris, checking for loose connections, and inspecting for signs of wear. We recommend a yearly maintenance schedule.

    Like any technology, solar panels require preventative maintenance to prevent costly challenges over time. By promptly addressing broken solar panels, or chewed up wires, you can ensure that your solar investment continues energy production uninterrupted.

    Remember, every ray of sunlight holds the potential for a brighter, more sustainable tomorrow.

    Plug in to a brighter future with Spark Solar.”

How Our D&R Service Can Help Roofers Streamline Their Hail Damage Repairs

roof with solar panels

As a roofing contractor in Texas, hail damage repairs can be a dreaded part of your job. These repairs can be time-consuming and difficult to manage as they are, an issue that’s only worsened by the presence of solar panels. However, with the help of Spark Solar’s detach and reset service, you can streamline your hail damage repairs and make the process much more manageable. Read on to find out how!

installing solar panels

Detach and Reset Solar Panels With Ease

Detaching and resetting solar panels can be an intricate and complicated task. At Spark Solar, we have years of experience when it comes to installing and maintaining solar panels in Texas, which is why you can count on us to handle the process correctly. This means that you and your fellow roofers can focus on repairing the hail damage to the roof without having to worry about the solar panels.

installing solar panels

Save Time and Reduce Labor Costs

By using Spark Solar’s detach and reset service, you can also save big on time and labor costs. If your crew isn’t well-acquainted with removing and replacing solar panels, attempting to do so can consume a massive portion of your timeline and budget. Instead, leave the job to our solar panel experts, who can detach and reset the panels quickly and efficiently.

installing solar panels

Minimize the Risk of Damage to Solar Panels

When removing and reinstalling solar panels, there’s always a risk of damage. Fortunately, our team is highly trained and experienced in handling solar panels and knows how to minimize the risk of damage during the detachment process. When you work with us, you can trust that the solar panels will be treated with the utmost care and attention until they’re safely reattached.

happy family

Improve Customer Satisfaction

Hail damage to a roof is stressful for homeowners, and having to deal with the added anxiety of solar panel removal and resetting can make the situation even more difficult. By relying on Spark Solar to streamline the process, you and your roofing company can alleviate some of the stress for the homeowner and improve their overall experience.


Work With Us Today

It’s not hard to see that Spark Solar’s detach and reset service can be a valuable resource for roofers dealing with hail damage repairs. If you think you or your clients could benefit from this service or any of our other solar solutions in Texas, we encourage you to contact us today!


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6 Reasons Your Business Should Go Solar

6 Reasons Your Business Should Go Solar

Solar energy has become increasingly popular among businesses in recent years, especially starting in 2022 and running in to 2023. While many companies embrace solar energy as a way to be more environmentally friendly, there are many other compelling reasons for businesses to go solar. The main reason being the energy spend savings. Here are six reasons why you should consider solar energy for your business:

commercial building with solar on roof
    1. Cost Savings: One of the biggest benefits of solar energy is the cost savings it provides. By generating your own electricity, you can significantly reduce your monthly utility bills. With solar panels, your business can generate energy for free once the initial investment is made. This can result in significant long-term cost savings.

    2. Predictable Energy Costs: Unlike traditional sources of energy, solar energy provides a predictable and stable source of energy. This means that your business can avoid the unpredictability of utility rate hikes, which can save you money in the long run.

    3. Increased Property Value: Solar panels can also increase the value of your property. If you own the building where your business is located, installing solar panels can make your property more attractive to potential buyers in the future.

    4. Tax Incentives: The federal government provides tax incentives for businesses that invest in solar energy. These incentives can help offset the initial cost of installing solar panels.

    5. Energy Independence: Solar energy provides businesses with energy independence. By generating your own electricity, you can reduce your dependence on the grid, which can be vulnerable to power outages and other disruptions.

    6. Improved Brand Image: Going solar can also improve your brand image. Many consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious, and by embracing solar energy, your business can demonstrate its commitment to sustainability and innovation.

There are many more reasons why businesses should consider solar energy. Whether you’re looking to reduce your energy costs, increase your property value, or improve your brand image, solar energy can provide a range of benefits for your business. If you haven’t already, it’s time to consider going solar. Click here to schedule your consultation and find out what this looks like for your business.